Sunday, January 4, 2009

HIGH Blood Pressure is a warning

HIGH Blood Pressure is a Warning Often it is the first warning sign before a heart attack. Forty percent of the people having a first time heart attack are unaware they have a problem, they don't have a chance, it's like being shot in the back by a sniper. When a heart attack happens it’s too late and those forty percent are gone forever. The other symptoms of heart disease will follow with chest and arm pain, tightness in the chest, numbness of the extremities, shortness of breath, and low energy. 62 million Americans have cardiovascular disease, and nearly a million people will die from these conditions this year. High Blood Pressure Means You Have Heart Disease The higher your blood pressure the closer you are to a Heart Attack Doctors only option to prevent a Heart Attack is surgery Blood Pressure Drugs won't prevent a Heart Attack Cholesterol Drugs won't prevent a Heart Attack Anti-coagulants won't prevent a Heart Attack Diet won't prevent a Heart Attack These things only Delay Surgery Those that die from a Heart Attack could have lived 20 to 30 years longer Dying from a Heart Attack is absolutely Stupid and totally unnecessary! Do you know the real cause of High Blood Pressure? The American Heart Association says, "High blood pressure has no cure, but can be managed and controlled with diet and medication. " We say not true. They also say, "In 90–95 percent of cases, scientists don't know what causes high blood pressure. We also say not true. The real cause of high blood pressure is not a mystery The Medical Industry just wants you in the dark about the real cause. They have been trying to fool everybody for a long time and so far it's been working. A Doctors job is to prescribe drugs, and now days the hottest selling drugs are for blood pressure, blood clots and cholesterol. If you are being treated for High Blood Pressure you are really being treated for Heart Disease or to be more specific, Cardiovascular disease. About 80% of all disease we get as humans is related to Cardiovascular disease. You don't need health insurance when 80% of our health problems can easily be eliminated! Heart Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Gallbladder, Liver and Pancreas Disease, Arthritis, Prostate, Erectile Dysfunction, Osteoporosis, Senile Dementia, Vision Loss, Hearing Loss, General Aches and Pains. These health problems have a safe, effective and low-cost solution.... Get rid of calcium plaque! Plaque forms throughout your entire body and affects most of your vital organs and even shows itself on your teeth. Eighty-percent of human disease is caused by calcium plaque interfering with the function of your vital organs. To control your high Blood pressure you are expected to use significant amounts of medications that may include: diuretics, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), or alpha blockers. Medications such as Lisinopril, Metoprolol, Minoxidil, Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydralazine, Diazoxide, or Nitroprusside maybe required if your blood pressure is very high. That is a lot of drugs for something they don't know much about The Medical Industry also wants you to believe that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease and with medications it can be managed. Cholesterol drugs don't stop people from having heart attacks and in addition to being expensive they have sever and adverse side affects. Read the disclaimers from the drug companies about their Statin drugs and you will see the side affects of Statins are very, very dangerous. The benefits cholesterol drugs provide have never been shown to be of much value and their costs are astronomical. Uncover the fraud and see or yourself refuse to admit to the obvious. ARTERIES CLOGGED with calcium plaque are the cause of high blood pressure and this is what makes the heart (our blood pump) work harder to keep blood flowing in clogged arteries. You don't have to have all your arteries restricted, just one or two small blockages almost anywhere in your body can act like a dam, holding back blood flow and increasing blood pressure. When your arteries are blocked, your blood pressure goes up and your blood flow goes down and you feel sluggish with a lack of energy. Sorry Has your Doctor said "you need surgery" or worse yet, given you the kiss of death and told you, there is no hope for your heart disease. Don't believe them, You can restore circulation to blocked veins and arteries without surgery. When a heart attack strikes, you've waited too long Medical Treatment is a Short Term Fix Modern Medicine requires, restrictive life styles and special diets with an endless dependency on drugs. They try to fool you into believing heart disease is caused by Cholesterol. Cholesterol drugs provide little benefit and can cause dangerous adverse side affects especially to the liver and this causes long-term health problems. The truth about cholesterol Surgery Provides Only a Temporary Solution Angioplasty squashes the plaque against the sides of your artery walls with a balloon and then holds it captive with a metal stent. After surgery you will still have Cardiovascular disease. What about the blockages, you probably have in other areas of your body? Your body has proven it can develop artery blockages; why would it stop doing it in only one place? What Can You Do to Help Yourself? You would think the answer to fixing this would be obvious, but many people believe they have no choice, and they can’t possibly go against their doctor. Cancer and Heart Disease are the first and second cause of death in America and doctors are the third cause. Hard to believe but it’s a fact. You don't have to believe your doctor when he says, "You need surgery" or "You have congestive heart disease and there is nothing more that can be done.") Congestive heart disease is when small arteries and veins in the heart are blocked and angioplasty can't open them. Congestive heart disease doesn't have to be hopeless. Surgery is a last choice, 40 % of those having heart surgery suffer long term mental dysfunction. Doctors offer little hope of reversing heart disease and it's related complications. The thrust of American medicine is to provide temporary relief, never addressing the cause of the disease itself. This insures regular visits to the doctor's office and requires the patient to routinely return to the pharmacy to refill his prescriptions. This is what the game is all about folks, plain and simple. Deny it or Deal with it,...Stick with it or Get Out of it! ... you don't have to endure the deception and play their game. You have a choice ... of everlasting drug treatments with Beta blockers, Statins, Diuretics, and Blood Pressure pills that inevitably leads to surgery with stents, defibulators, and pacemakers or, you can eliminate the cause of the high blood pressure and at the same time reduce your risk of a stroke, heart attack and surgery. Don’t Gamble With Your Life Or The Life Of A Loved One Your doctor cannot offer you a safe, simple or inexpensive solution to clean your arteries. But you can be confident in knowing you have a choice. You can get off the long term drug treatment and break out of the vicious cycle and solve your own health problems. This is a much better option than surgery! The most effective way to unplug blocked arteries. You don't need; Dangerous drugs No exercise program Salt-free or low-fat diet No needles or surgery 12 years proven effective Works in days not months 97% plus Customer Success Satisfaction Guaranteed Angioprim is the real Solution! You can avoid the "Big One" and dissolve arterial plaque in days with Angioprim, a safe inexpensive method that will quickly clean your arteries and vital organs. Angioprim is a scientifically advanced formula that has shown to be effective for over 12 years. No harsh chemicals, no allergic reactions, compatible with existing medications and works in only a few weeks. Angioprim starts working fast to rejuvenate you entire body and will clean your all your vital organs and your arteries from head to toe. Angioprim will improve your health and within a few weeks, you will feel like a new you, with increased energy and vitality. Angioprim will do what medical doctors won’t, make you healthy again. How many doctors will guarantee the effectiveness of their treatments... None Better than IV Chelation Angioprim is much faster, more effective, and more convenient than invasive intravenous needles. A simple once-a-day procedure in your home for as little as two weeks will show you significant improvements in your health. Angioprim is the most powerful and quickest way to clean your cardiovascular system. Angioprim Works and We Guaranty It! The many things we attribute to getting old are not a mystery any longer. Your doctor could easily prescribe natural products to cure your diseases. As Kevin Trudeau states in his Natural Cures book "the medical industry has no interest in curing you from disease, especially with low-cost products. The Industry profits from your long-term treatments that require you to spend hundreds of dollars each month for drugs and medical bills, drugs that never make you feel better nor allow you to get well. Aging Does Not Mean Dying! The good news is, no matter your age or health condition, you can extend your life and add life to your years beginning right now ! Growing old doesn’t mean you have to grow sick ! As we age our eyesight weakens our hearing diminishes, we get more aches and pains, we don't sleep as well, our energy level is reduced and our memories fade. In other words we don’t have what we use too. Here is the surprise-- these things are not really caused by aging. They happen as we age but can be prevented and reversed. We all have the right to age gracefully and with the best possible health. You don't have to lose life or limb or take unnecessary drugs that do more harm than good. You can set yourself free and take control of your health again. Even for those that are in serious pain or are on the verge of hospitalization and surgery. You can reverse your health problems and regain your health and vitality in only a matter of days. It's Like a Fountain of Youth! Health is a precious gift. Once you lose it, you would be willing to pay any cost to get it back. The good news is you can turn back the hands of time and feel young again with a major cleansing of your heart, arteries and all your vital organs. You experience premature aging because your vital organs are plugged with plaque causing you to lose your vital energy. A simple home treatment program can totally rejuvenate your body. Within a few short weeks you will feel like a new you and regain your health. " startspan --> They Want You Uninformed The medical industry makes big money on procedures like by-pass surgery, stents, angioplasty, heart pacemakers and defibulators. Doctors use fancy words like Systematic Hypertension, Stenosis, PVD, PAD, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Infarction, CAD, Congestive Heart Failure...all to describe one problem, arterial blockage. All too often they fail to address the cause of this arterial blockage, "calcium plaque", that results in heart attacks, angina, and strokes. Present methods of treatment are cut and repair. This only leads to further repairs a few years down the road. A very dangerous thing for a person with heart disease is, to be subjected to a treadmill stress test ! These tests bring a person to the brink of having a heart attack. A better choice but often not given is a CT Scan, which can non-invasively identify calcium plaque build up in the arteries and vital organs from head to toe at a very moderate cost. CT Scans are ignored by many Cardiologist as they tell too much and cost too little. CT Scans show the small blockages that surgery can't get at to fix. Other Warning Signs of Heart Disease Are: · Fingers or toes feel cold? · Night cramps in hands or feet? · A diagonal crease in your earlobe? · Your arms or legs often "go to sleep"? · Experience numbness in the arms or legs? · Your lips or fingers have a tingling sensation? · Breathless with slight exertion or if lying down? · On short walks, your legs get aches or pains? · A whitish ring under the cornea in your eye? · Your memory worse than it used to be? · Ankles that swell late in the day? · Loss of Sexual Potency? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you have early warning signs of blocked arteries and cardiovascular disease. Your body is telling you that it’s time to improve your health. NEWS FLASH FOX News Network March 8, 2004 "Excess Calcium in the Blood Causes Heart and Bone Disease." Join the thousands of men and women across the globe who are experiencing the benefits of improved circulation and the freedom good health offers. You deserve the time to enjoy life in good health with friends and family. You Owe it to Yourself to Order Now. " startspan --> Want more proof? Read this true story of how because of a stent being improperly installed during an angioplasty, an effective alternative to invasive surgery was discovered that is safe, low cost, and a very fast way to clear congested arteries. " startspan --> Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease You can stop trying to change your cholesterol. High, low, or in between, your cholesterol number doesn't matter. Studies show that cholesterol does not cause heart or cardiovascular disease, and cholesterol reducing drugs won’t prevent a heart attack. The majority of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels. For a better understanding of the interactions of cholesterol and calcium that cause high blood pressure visit Internet orders " startspan --> For phone order support call (954) 882 - 7221 East