Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Alternative Remedies for High Blood Pressure

The following article is about alternative herbal remedies and techniques to control high blood pressure. I suggest , try these remedies, keep a track of the blood pressure, and you may find it is possible to reduce and slowly eliminate the drugs you are taking. It is important to be careful and take the advice of a doctor also. High blood pressure can be life threatening so it is important to regularly test same and keep it under control.

The first steps to be taken in the fight against high blood pressure are the following.
Reduce weight if obese.
Start daily brisk walk, at least for two kilometers a day.
Reduce common salt intake.

Then try
Some meditation. The idea is to reduce stress. The modern lifestyle contributes to high blood pressure in a major way. Reducing stress levels is an important step forward.

High blood pressure may be indicative of some other problem with your body . Try to find the cause by clinical investigation. A good doctor should be able to recommend some appropriate tests. Some indications of high blood pressure can be : high frequency of urination, constant headache, tiredness and fatigue, lack of energy, poor concentration and poor mental health.

To control high blood pressure the alternative way , I would recommend the following herbal and natural remedies. It is very important to keep taking normal medication along with these remedies. You may try to reduce the medicines slowly after 2 weeks or so after these remedies start to talk effect. It is extremely important and vital to monitor the blood pressure regularly and take the advice of a doctor during the whole process.
Try Chewing four to five raw curry leaves twice a day - Morning and Evening.
Go for Homeopathic medicines . Try visiting a trained homeopath for the medicines best suited to your particular symptoms. The following medicines in different combinations and potencies are very effective in controlling high blood pressure without the aid of normal energy sapping drugs. I give the homeopathic remedies but urge you to consult the doctor for the correct potencies and daily usage. They are Rauvolfia Serpentina, Crataegus Oxycantha, Passiflora Incarnata, Glonoine, Lachesis. The doctor will select what is best for your condition. Homeopathic treatments are very effective in controlling this problem. It is my personal experience that homeopathy can do wonders in many cases. The trick is to stick on with the remedies for at least 2 weeks to find a benefit. Even the sceptics should try them at least once, before discarding them. Start with Rauvolfia Serpentina -Mother Tincture, 10 -15 drops in 50 ml of water thrice a day. You should start experiencing relief within two weeks when you need to consult a trained homeopath for further advice.
Another home remedy that seems to work with many people is the following. Mix 5 ml of onion juice with 5 ml of honey and take this mixture everyday, first thing in the morning. Try this remedy for 15 days, monitor blood pressure levels regularly and continue, if you experience a benefit.

I hope you found something useful. Go for alternative therapy. This will keep you energetic and full of vigor.

What is High blood pressure?

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.