Thursday, September 13, 2012


Which homoeopathic remedy is good for this condition ? What is this homoeopathic remedy good for ? These are the most important and frequently asked questions about homoepopathy. Collecting all the information about a health problem, getting a clear understanding of what is going on and looking for the right remedy are skillful tasks which professional homoeopaths have spend years learning to do. Clearly, this beyond the ability of untrained individuals. At the same time, the underlying principles are quite simple and there is much that people can do for themselves. Homoeopathy has wonderful healing powers, some of which can only be appreciated by long study and observation of its effects. Yet even experienced homoeopahs are sometimes obliged to work with little more than hunches and the most tentative explanations. This text aims to be clear and frank about the limits of both self prescribing and professional help with homoeopathy for the conditions covered. It is hoped that is will help you to get the best results out of both HOW DOES HOMOEOPATHY WORKS? Life-energy and matter Try a simple thought-exercise. Think of a dead body, then of a living person. Compare the two. That which is present in one and absent from the other is what homoeopathy and all systems of medicine are concerned with. Oddly enough we rarely think about it carefully and there is even some disagreement about what i should be called. Perhaps the best name for it is simply 'Life' As you can see, Life is a kind of energy while the body on its own is inert matter. An essential thing about energy is that in itself it is invisible, we are only made aware of it by observing the effects that it has on matter. On the other hand the essential thing about matter is that in itself it does nothing, it only moves or changes when energy causes it to do so. The homoeopathic view of health and illness From these certainties it is known that whenever our health changes it is the life energy that has changed, although the effect on the material body are all that can be observed. It is worth stressing this because it is the central point on which all the theory and practice of homoeopathy is based. The only way of observe the changes in their body (including the subtle body called mind)simply because matter on its own cannot change or do anything. The cause and the real nature of the illness are a change in the life energy, and it is this change that has to be identified and removed in order to restore the patient to health. The whole business of medicine is how to use medicinal substances in order to achieve this. There are of course some conditions caused by violent damage to or deformity of the body, when physical intervention is essential. This is the domain of surgery and emergency procedures. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine concerned with the treatment of medical conditions, in the strict sense of that word. The need for surgery and its frequently wonderful results have no bearing on the validity or otherwise of homoeopathy in its own sphere. Medicine clearly has a support role in relation to surgery, and the benefits if homoeopathic medicine during and after surgery are well known. BY PAUL HOUGHTON (A Guide to Homoeopathic Remedies)